Verified Profiles

How it works

Email Verification
When you see ‘Email Verified’, the buyer or seller has verified their email address. By sending a link to the email address which is then clicked, we can verify the buyer or seller has access to the email address which they have entered.
We ask all buyers and sellers to verify their email address when creating an account. Your email is not visible to other buyers and sellers.
Phone Verification
When you see ‘Phone Verified’, the buyer or seller has verified their phone number. By sending a text message to that phone number with a unique code which is then rekeyed into DoneDeal, we can verify the buyer or seller has access to the phone number which they have entered.
We ask new sellers to verify their phone number when placing an ad in certain sections and also when creating and account. Your phone number is only visible to other buyers if you choose the ‘Phone and Text’ option when placing an ad.

Identity Verification
When you see ‘Identity Verified’, the buyer or seller has either saved card payment details to their DoneDeal account or connected their DoneDeal account to their bank account via Stripe. Connecting with Stripe requires the seller to enter information securely via the Stripe platform such as name and address along with entering their bank details. In both cases, we can verify the payment method used by the buyer or seller.
Your saved card details on DoneDeal or any of the sensitive information associated with your Stripe account are not visible to other buyers and sellers.
Get Verified
It’s easier than ever for you to verify your DoneDeal profile details. Verifying your details is completely free of charge and will only take a couple of minutes.
Earn Rewards
The more details you verify, the better your profile will appear! By verifying your email address, phone number and connecting with Stripe, you will appear as a ‘Verified Private Seller’ to buyers.
Gain Trust
Buyers and sellers are more likely to interact with you if you are a ‘Verified Private Seller’. This is a positive indicator to potential buyers and will set you apart from other sellers.
You will also see information about the sellers DoneDeal account including:
Average Response Rate: the average % of times the seller responds to messages sent via the DoneDeal Message Centre.
Location: the location of the seller.
DoneDealing since: the year the DoneDeal account was created.
Active Ads: the number of ads the seller currently has for sale.
Lifetime Ads: the number of ads the seller has placed since creating their account
Still have a few more questions?
We have put together some more information on verifying your DoneDeal profile but if you have any additional questions you can email us hello@donedeal.ie and our team will be happy to help.
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